07/13/23: 1st Blog ever!

Published on 13 July 2023 at 17:22

Hi Everyone!  Or anyone?  Not sure if anyone will read this at all but I think this could be good therapy for me and my lifelong pursuit of the almighty buck.  A couple of disclaimers, I am not a writer, nor do I consider myself a financial guru.  I am a middle-aged veteran, dad, husband, amateur investor.  I do have a BS degree in Business with a Finance concentration, so I'm not a complete beginner.  What are my goals for this blog?  I guess it will evolve over time, but for now, it's just a way to express my thoughts about my journey with money, financial freedom and trying to win the game.


So, I guess it’s always best to start at the beginning.  I grew up in lower/middle class in a family of 6.  I never knew we didn’t have money.  Both my parents worked, and we had the basics us 4 kids needed, but weren’t well off by any means.  I remember we would go shopping for clothes once a year before school and get a few things, but that was it for the year except birthdays or Christmas.  We weren’t well off by any means, but then again, I never went hungry.

If I wanted anything besides the basics, it was very clear I needed to pay for it myself.  I had friends with cool things their parents bought, I wanted them too.  I was motivated and this is where I developed a drive and work ethic from a young age.  My parents were great role-models, they came from very blue-collar beginnings (their parents were a farmer and copper miner!) earned degrees and had professional careers.

As a kid I did several jobs to earn money; mowing yards in the neighborhood, babysitting, paper route, sold chicken eggs (yes, we had 15 chickens that I raised!).  It was hard work, but the rewards were great!  I always had cash and was able to buy all the cool things I wanted, including a bike, remote control cars, drum set (Mom loved that lol) music cassette tapes, etc.  I always had money for the ice cream man! 

Fast forward now, I am a guy who tried to work as hard as I can for over 35 years to try and get ahead financially.  Living in SoCal, it’s not easy.  The cost of living is crazy expensive and real estate is one of the highest priced places in the country, possibly the world.  I have fought to stay above water and take opportunities as I see them.

I am going to share some of my experiences with you of things that went well and some things I wished I’d done differently.

Please comment and let me know you’re there!  See you in my next post.

#retirement #money #fire #investmentlearning #moneybasics #hardwork #investing #investmentblog

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